Suikoden 3s

Maci Vincent
11 min readJun 19, 2024


Dive into the world of Suikoden 3, where the war between the Liberation Army and the Runedan Empire continues to escalate. Join us as we explore this captivating RPG and round up all the crucial aspects of the game for a comprehensive review.

The Top 8 Best Suikoden 3s

  1. Japanese RPG Suikoden 3 with 100+ Characters and Epic Combat — Experience an epic medieval adventure with Suikoden III, featuring a unique Trinity Sight System, hundreds of recruitable characters, immersive 3D graphics, and intense strategic combat for 80+ hours of captivating gameplay.
  2. PlayStation 2 Suikoden III — Rare Medieval RPG Experience — Satisfy your RPG and medieval fantasy cravings with the New Sealed, never opened, immaculate condition of the Suikoden III — Ps2 game.
  3. Suikoden III Volume 1: Chris Lightfellow’s Knighthood Adventure — Suikoden III Volume 1 — A captivating military tale of bravery and loss, filled with 176 pages of engaging adventure.
  4. Used Suikoden 3 for PlayStation 2 — Relive the epic RPG fantasy adventure of a lifetime with Suikoden 3 for the PS2 PlayStation 2.
  5. Suikoden III Volume 7: Grasslanders’ Hope and Chris Lightfellow’s Return — Experience the thrilling adventures of Suikoden III Volume 7, featuring a gripping narrative centered around Hugo’s challenge for victory and Chris Lightfellow’s emotional return to Zexen.
  6. Suikoden III: The Best Edition — Experience unforgettable adventure and epic battles with Suikoden III’s captivating gameplay on the PlayStation 2.
  7. Explore the Empire in Suikoden — PlayStation Classic RPG — Immerse yourself in the world of Suikoden (PlayStation) and uncover the secrets of the Scarlet Moon Empire with a captivating storyline and engaging gameplay.
  8. Suikoden III Volume 10: Legacy of Heroes by Aki Shimizu — Relive the epic adventures of Suikoden III in this unforgettable Volume 10 by Aki Shimizu, brought to life in paperback form by Tokyopop Press Inc and filled with 176 thrilling pages!

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Japanese RPG Suikoden 3 with 100+ Characters and Epic Combat

Genso Suikoden III is a captivating RPG experience that invites you to save the world from destruction. Set amidst the war between the kingdom of Zexen and the Grasslands, this game offers an impressive Trinity Sight System that provides a 360-degree view of the battlefield. With over 100 unique characters to recruit, each boasting their own special abilities, you’ll need to build fortresses and strategically use all your skills to emerge victorious.

The game boasts over 80 hours of gameplay, immersing you in a rich, detailed 3-D environment with three distinct combat systems. Enjoy the classic Japanese RPG feel and immerse yourself in a truly epic adventure.

PlayStation 2 Suikoden III — Rare Medieval RPG Experience

Dive into the captivating world of Suikoden III on the PlayStation 2 and discover the action-packed adventures it holds. With a great storyline and engaging gameplay, this game offers a thrilling medieval fantasy experience. The developers, Konami, have carefully crafted this game to deliver a memorable RPG experience, perfect for both newcomers and fans of the series alike.

The game comes complete with its original case and manual, ensuring a hassle-free experience for collectors. Immerse yourself in this immersive world, exploring various factions, meeting unique characters, and joining epic battles. The crisp graphics and enthralling soundtrack will transport you to a bygone era, allowing you to fully embrace the magical realm of Suikoden III.

Be prepared for a heart-pumping adventure, as you navigate through the storylines and embark on quests that test your skills and strategic thinking. Although you’ll encounter the occasional issue with the music and graphics, these minor setbacks should not deter you from the immense enjoyment this game offers.

The Suikoden III PlayStation 2 edition is a must-have for any RPG aficionado, delivering hours of entertainment while providing a glimpse into the intricate world of Suikoden. Don’t miss out on this timeless classic; indulge in the experience and lose yourself in the enchanting world of Suikoden III.

Suikoden III Volume 1: Chris Lightfellow’s Knighthood Adventure

When I first picked up Suikoden III Volume 1, I was drawn in by its captivating cover. From there, I quickly found myself immersed in the world of Suikoden 3. Following the story of a young girl named Chris Lightfellow, the book takes readers through a heartwarming journey filled with courage and friendship.

One of the highlights of this book is the well-developed characters, each with their unique backstories and personal struggles. As I turned the pages, I found myself cheering for Chris as she faced her battles and grew into an incredible leader. The vivid descriptions of the battles and the intricacies of the military school system also made for a riveting read.

However, one downside is the book’s limited length, packing only 176 pages. But despite its brevity, Suikoden III Volume 1 leaves a lasting impression that will have you eagerly awaiting the sequel.

Used Suikoden 3 for PlayStation 2

Embark on a captivating journey with the pre-owned Suikoden 3, exclusively available for PlayStation 2. Filled with enchanting RPG action, this fantasy adventure game offers a unique blend of heroism and strategy — perfect for avid gamers. By purchasing this physical edition, you can immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of Suikoden 3 and enjoy hours of memorable gaming.

Suikoden III Volume 7: Grasslanders’ Hope and Chris Lightfellow’s Return

Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Suikoden III with this hardcover, 180-page book that boasts beautiful illustrations. This captivating volume will take you on an extraordinary journey through the mystical land of Grassfield, where unexpected heroes rise to protect their homeland.

The tale, packed with intricate detail, follows the storylines of characters like Hugo, a skilled and determined warrior, and Chris Lightfellow, a dedicated Knight Captain whose resolve will be tested. The book, published in 2005 by Tokyopop Press Inc. , is the seventh installment of the beloved Suikoden series.

Suikoden III: The Best Edition

I was blown away by Suikoden III, a captivating game released by Konami in 2003. As a gamer, I’ve always been intrigued by the rich narratives and stunning graphics that Konami’s games provide. Suikoden III was no exception; it immersed me in an intriguing world that kept me engaged throughout my gaming experience.

The game’s story revolves around the character 村山吉隆, and it was the thrilling plot that kept me hooked. It was a treat to explore the game’s immersive world, filled with colorful characters and intriguing scenarios. The beautifully rendered graphics and smooth gameplay only added to the overall experience.

However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks I encountered. The game did have occasional slowdowns, which slightly impacted the overall performance. Additionally, the learning curve for some of the game’s more complex mechanics was steeper than expected.

Despite these minor setbacks, I found myself thoroughly enjoying Suikoden III. The engaging story, stunning visuals, and smooth gameplay made it a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike. It’s no wonder it has maintained a strong 5.0 rating from users, demonstrating its enduring popularity.

Explore the Empire in Suikoden — PlayStation Classic RPG

Last week, I decided to give Suikoden a spin, a JRPG from 1996 that I’ve heard a lot about but never really tried. I’d been craving a solid role-playing game to while away my evenings, and this fit the bill perfectly.

The world in Suikoden is rich, with ancient mysteries, grand castles, and battles against formidable foes. You’re the main character, an imperial guard uncovering the Empire’s secrets, and leading diverse teams of warriors and magicians into battle against some truly strange monsters. The character customization makes the game more engaging — you get to change your party with over 100 recruits, each with their own unique skills.

Building and managing an army right in your headquarters was a fun touch, too. And while I’ll admit that the sheer number of characters might be overwhelming at times, it’s a challenge that adds a layer of strategy to the game.

The storyline is captivating, filled with twists and turns, and I found myself eagerly progressing, wanting to unravel all the secrets. It’s truly a classic tale that has stood the test of time.

That said, playing this game with a modern sensibility revealed a few drawbacks. I sometimes felt the controls and mechanics were a bit clunky, not quite up to par with modern, polished JRPGs. The graphics, of course, are a bit dated, though the retro style charm is still there.

Overall, though, Suikoden offers a unique and engaging experience that’s still enjoyable even after all these years. While some aspects might be considered outdated by today’s standards, the game remains a great choice for anyone looking for a classic role-playing game.

Suikoden III Volume 10: Legacy of Heroes by Aki Shimizu

I recently had the opportunity to dive into the world of Suikoden III, Volume 10 by Aki Shimizu, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. As a fan of the series, I was excited to see what this installment held in store.

Opening with the Harmonian renegades’ secret ceremony, it’s clear that the stakes are high right from the get-go. The story takes you through a whirlwind of suspense, action, and emotional turmoil as Thomas, Hugo, Geddoe, and the rest of the characters navigate their way through the chaos.

One aspect that really shone for me was the intricacy of the plot. The intertwining storylines and unexpected twists kept me on the edge of my seat, eager to find out what would happen next. The attention to detail in crafting these characters and their individual journeys only added to the overall immersion in this world.

However, one downside I noticed was the pacing. While the story was engaging, there were moments where it felt like the narrative dragged a bit. This was especially true during some of the lengthier exposition scenes. Despite this, the overall narrative remained captivating.

Overall, I would recommend Suikoden III, Volume 10 for fans of the series or those looking for a immersive, action-packed fantasy adventure. Just be prepared for some pacing issues along the way.

Buyer’s Guide

Welcome to the buyer’s guide section for Suikoden 3. In this guide, we’ll provide you with essential information and tips on choosing the right game to suit your preferences. Discover the key features, considerations, and general advice when selecting a game from the Suikoden series.

History and Overview of Suikoden 3

Suikoden 3, developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, is a Japanese role-playing game released in 2001. The game is the third installment in the Suikoden series, which follows the journey of a young protagonist and their allies as they attempt to thwart an evil force that threatens the world. Suikoden 3 features the same turn-based combat system, unique Runes, and character-specific abilities that have become hallmarks of the series.

Graphics and Audio

Suikoden 3 offers high-quality visuals, with intricately designed characters and environments. The game’s polished graphics, coupled with its atmospheric soundtrack, help to deliver an immersive gaming experience. Consider the artwork, music, and sound effects when choosing a game from the Suikoden series.

Story and Characters

A well-crafted story and memorable characters are essential aspects of any role-playing game. Suikoden 3 boasts an intricate plot with numerous character relationships and unique storylines. The game’s characters are not only interesting but also have distinct backstories and motivations, making for an engaging experience. When selecting a game from the series, take the time to explore the storylines and the characters’ histories.

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay in Suikoden 3 is a combination of turn-based combat, exploration, and character development. Players will need to strategize and manage their team’s abilities, items, and Runes throughout the game. Additionally, the game offers multiple endings, depending on the player’s choices and actions. Familiarize yourself with these gameplay elements when selecting a game from the Suikoden series.


What is Suikoden 3?

Suikoden 3 is an action role-playing game developed by Ova Entertainment and published by Konami. It is the third installment in the Suikoden series and was initially released in Japan as a PlayStation 2 exclusive. The game later received a remastered version for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Suikoden 3 follows the story of Viktor and his friends as they embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the mysterious “Runes of Punishment” and the people who wield them. The game features an expansive world to explore, a variety of characters to recruit, and intense battles with powerful enemies.

What platforms is Suikoden 3 available on?

Suikoden 3 is available on PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 4. The game has also been remastered for Nintendo Switch and PC. Players can choose their preferred platform to experience the latest version of the game with improved graphics and gameplay features. Additionally, a mobile port was released earlier, but it has since been removed.

To know the supported languages, please refer to the official game documentation or consult the respective store for information specific to your region and platform choice. Accessibility features may vary depending on the platform, such as text-to-speech, subtitles, and accessibility settings for color blindness.

What features are included in the remastered version of Suikoden 3?

The remastered version of Suikoden 3 features several improvements, including enhanced graphics, smoother gameplay, and updated character models. Players can expect a more immersive experience with better voice acting, improved cutscenes, and additional content for those who already played the original game.

Additionally, the remastered version offers gameplay improvements, such as new difficulty settings, faster character growth, and a more accessible inventory system. Players can now easily switch between multiple save files and enjoy other quality-of-life changes. The remastered version also includes a bestiary to help players learn about the various monsters they will encounter throughout their journey.

Are there any special editions or pre-orders available for Suikoden 3?

For the latest Suikoden 3 remastered version, there may be limited edition releases or pre-order bonuses available depending on the platform and region. To find out more, players should consult the official store or publisher for the respective region and platform they intend to purchase the game on.

Keep an eye out for announcements from the publisher or retailers for any special editions or pre-order bonuses. These can include exclusive artbooks, soundtracks, or in-game items that enhance the overall gaming experience. It is advisable to purchase through trusted sources to ensure that the bonuses are delivered as promised.

Is Suikoden 3 a suitable game for both beginners and experienced players?

Suikoden 3 offers a well-balanced experience for both beginners and experienced players. The game features an engaging storyline with a diverse cast of characters, offering players the opportunity to explore and strategize their way through the game’s battles and missions. The remastered version also provides new difficulties for more experienced players, which allows them to challenge themselves and improve their skills.

Additionally, the game offers a tutorial and an easy-to-understand combat system, making it accessible for beginners. Players can also customize their characters and party members according to their preferences, allowing them to tailor their experience to their skill level and playstyle. The rich and immersive world of Suikoden 3 provides endless hours of entertainment and enjoyment, no matter the player’s experience level.

What is the recommended age for playing Suikoden 3?

Suikoden 3 is rated appropriate for players aged 12 and above by the ESRB. The game contains some instances of mild violence and fantasy elements, which may not be suitable for all audiences. Parents should exercise discretion when allowing younger children to play the game, as the content and themes may not be suitable for all age groups.

Developers and publishers typically provide age ratings based on guidelines from various organizations that assess the appropriateness of games for specific audiences. Parents should consider their children’s maturity level and preferences when making decisions about which games to allow them to play, and be prepared to offer guidance and assistance if necessary. It is always a good idea to consult the game’s ESRB rating and content descriptors for more information.

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