Sulfur Acne Treatments

Maci Vincent
14 min readJun 19, 2024


Are you constantly battling bumpy, red skin that just won’t go away? Look no further — sulfur acne treatment could be the solution you’ve been searching for! In this comprehensive roundup, we’ll be diving into the best sulfur-based products on the market, their benefits, and how to use them for optimal results. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect fit for your skin!

The Top 8 Best Sulfur Acne Treatments

  1. Sulfur Face Wash for Acne-Prone Skin — Combating acne with Grisi’s Sulfur Soap: experience a gentle, long-lasting 6-pack for flawless skin.
  2. Reduce Acne with Biosulfur Grisi Sulfur Soap — 10% Sulfur, 3-Pack Treatment Bar — Grisi Sulfur Soap: The natural acne treatment bar for smoother, healthier skin with 10% sulfur concentration.
  3. Dermisa Sulfur Facial Bar: Oily Skin Formula — Dermisa Sulfur Facial Bar, a game-changing cleansing solution for oily skin, combines the power of sulfur and soothing aloe vera, providing a refreshing experience with a delightful minty scent that helps fight acne and alleviate skin irritation.
  4. de La Cruz 5% Sulfur Ointment: Effective Cystic Acne Treatment for Pimples and Blackheads — De La Cruz’s extra-strength 5% sulfur ointment effectively clears cystic acne, pimples, and blackheads, while being gentle for sensitive skin and non-comedogenic.
  5. Sulfur Acne Treatment with Color-Signal Technology — Easy to Apply Enriched Clay Formula — Discover radiant skin with the AcneFree Sulfur Mask, a gentle and moisturizing acne treatment that improves skin texture, reduces inflammation, and absorbs excess oil for a refreshed, healthy glow.
  6. Earths Care Acne Spot Treatment: Maximum Strength Sulfur Formula — Rely on Earth’s Care Acne Spot Treatment for maximum strength acne-busting action, without harsh chemicals or animal testing — perfect for sensitive skin types!
  7. De La Cruz Sulfur Acne Treatment: 10% Ointment for Clear Skin — Experience the potent De La Cruz Sulfur Ointment 10% Acne Medication, a 10-minute treatment for problematic skin with radiant results.
  8. Thayers Rapid Acne Spot Treatment with Niacinamide and 10% Sulfur — Thayers Rapid Acne Spot Treatment with Niacinamide and 10% Sulfur quickly reduces blemish size, while remaining gentle and hydrating for healthy, clear skin.

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Sulfur Face Wash for Acne-Prone Skin


Introducing Grisi’s Sulfur Soap for Acne — a 6-pack of this powerful soap that’s specifically designed to combat blemishes and oily skin. This soap features a unique formula enriched with Lanolin and 10% sulfur, making it the ideal choice for those dealing with acne-prone skin.

One of the great things about this soap is its ease of use. To achieve the best results, simply wet the affected area with warm water, apply the soap and create an abundance of suds, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water, and repeat 2–3 times daily or as directed by a medical professional.

However, it’s essential to remember that overwashing or using harsh scrubs can lead to further irritation. Acne is not caused by dirt; in fact, excessive cleaning can exacerbate the problem. Instead, opt for oil-free or non-comedogenic products, which won’t clog your pores. And as enticing as it may be, avoid popping pimples, as this can actually worsen the situation and cause permanent scarring.

Despite its efficacy in treating acne, this sulfur soap does have a few drawbacks. Some users have complained about an unpleasant scent, which could make the soap less enjoyable to use. Additionally, it’s essential to note that this soap is only for external use, and the 10% sulfur content is intended to treat active breakouts rather than replace a daily cleanser.

In summary, Grisi’s Sulfur Soap for Acne is an excellent choice for those looking to combat pesky blemishes and oily skin. Though it may have a few drawbacks, such as an unpleasant scent and being unsuitable for daily use, its powerful formula enriched with sulfur and Lanolin makes it a valuable addition to any skincare routine.

Reduce Acne with Biosulfur Grisi Sulfur Soap — 10% Sulfur, 3-Pack Treatment Bar


Grisi Sulfur Soap has been a staple in my daily skincare routine for a while now, and I have to admit, it’s been a lifesaver for my acne-prone skin. The 10% sulfur concentration in the formula is just the right amount to help clear out gunk from my pores and reduce inflammation without drying my skin out completely.

One of the things I appreciate most about this soap is that it doesn’t leave a strong scent behind, unlike some other sulfur-based products I’ve tried. It’s gentle enough to use daily if you wish, but I find that twice a week is plenty to see results.

However, there is one downside: the sulfur smell can be quite potent. It’s not overpowering, but it definitely lingers, which might not be ideal for people with sensitive noses or who plan to use it near others.

All in all, I think the pros definitely outweigh the con with Grisi Sulfur Soap. The benefits it provides for my skin have made a noticeable difference, and it’s a small price to pay for a cleaner, clearer complexion. Plus, the fact that it’s a 3-pack is a great bonus, giving me plenty of sulfur-y goodness to keep my skin in check.

Dermisa Sulfur Facial Bar: Oily Skin Formula


I recently tried the Dermisa Sulfur Facial Bar for my oily skin, and I must say, it’s a game-changer! The first thing I noticed when using it was its delightful minty fragrance, which made my skin feel refreshed and relaxed. The soap bar quickly lathers up, and a little goes a long way, making it a great value for its price.

One of the highlights of this product is its sulfur content, which helps prevent blackheads and pimples by fighting bacteria build-up. As someone who struggles with acne, I was pleased to see the results after using it for just a week. My skin felt cleaner and appeared brighter, and I didn’t notice any new breakouts.

Enriched with aloe vera, the bar helps soothe any skin irritation I may have experienced, which is a great added bonus. While it’s effective in removing excess oils and makeup, I found that it can be a bit drying for some areas of my skin, so I had to adjust my usage accordingly.

Overall, the Dermisa Sulfur Facial Bar has become a staple in my skincare routine, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an effective, sulfur-based cleaning solution for oily skin.

de La Cruz 5% Sulfur Ointment: Effective Cystic Acne Treatment for Pimples and Blackheads

I’ve been using the De La Cruz 5% Sulfur Ointment for quite some time now, and I must say, it has made a significant difference in my skin health. As someone with sensitive skin, I’ve always been on the lookout for gentle solutions to tackle my acne issues, and this product seems to hit the mark.

One of the aspects I appreciate most about this ointment is its absorbency; it’s designed to penetrate deep into the pores, drying and clearing pimples and blackheads without causing excessive dryness or peeling. I’ve noticed that it helps keep new breakouts at bay while reducing the appearance of existing ones. The lack of fragrance, parabens, and artificial colors is an added bonus for those of us with sensitivities to certain ingredients.

However, there’s one area where this product falls short: the scent. It’s quite strong and medicinal, which can be off-putting for some users, particularly those with sensitive noses like myself. Additionally, it’s essential to be cautious and only apply this ointment to the affected areas, as overuse could potentially irritate your skin.

Despite these minor drawbacks, I would still highly recommend the De La Cruz 5% Sulfur Ointment to anyone struggling with acne, especially those with sensitive skin like myself. It’s gentle, effective, and a great option for those who prefer natural ingredients.

Sulfur Acne Treatment with Color-Signal Technology — Easy to Apply Enriched Clay Formula

Introducing AcneFree Sulfur Mask, one of the most effective therapeutic solutions for oily and acne-prone skin. Packed with a unique combination of sulfur, clay, and color-signal technology, this liquid mask spreads smoothly for a perfect application, giving your skin a refreshed glow and healthy appearance.

Many users have expressed their satisfaction with the noticeable improvements in skin texture and the reduction of acne. The cool, refreshing tingle it provides while working on your skin has been appreciated as well.

However, some users have noticed a few downsides, such as an unpleasant scent and potential skin drying. Despite these cons, the majority of customers have given this product a well-deserved rating of 4.5.

This 1.7-oz bottle comes in a convenient liquid form and is suitable for oily skin types. Its craftsmanship and absorbency have been positively highlighted by reviewers.

Don’t miss out on the magic of AcneFree Sulfur Mask, as this life-saving product is perfect for fighting acne while soothing inflamed skin and absorbing excess oils. The powerful combination of sulfur, clay, and color-signal technology works together to give you a clearer, brighter complexion.

Earths Care Acne Spot Treatment: Maximum Strength Sulfur Formula

Say goodbye to stubborn acne with Earth’s Care Maximum Strength Sulfur Ointment. This powerful treatment is perfect for all skin types, especially those with sensitive skin.

The 10% sulfur formula naturally eliminates blemishes, blackheads, and even acne scars. The ointment is allergy-tested and does not contain fragrances, parabens, or artificial colors.

It is also non-comedogenic, ensuring it doesn’t clog pores. To apply, simply dab a small amount onto your pimples or blackheads and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing it off with warm water. Enjoy a consistent daily regimen for the best results.

De La Cruz Sulfur Acne Treatment: 10% Ointment for Clear Skin

I recently came across this mysterious sulfur ointment while browsing for acne solutions that weren’t harsh on my sensitive skin. With promises of deep cleansing and radiant skin, I decided to give it a try. On first application, I was surprised by the stickiness and the rather peculiar smell, but I quickly realized this was a small price to pay for the positive effects on my skin.

What stood out the most was its ability to unclog stubborn pores and remove the stubborn red bumps that had been haunting my skin for years. The cream felt smooth on my skin, and I appreciated the lightweight consistency. Although it was easy to work with, it did take a little longer to dry compared to other treatments I’ve tried.

However, I should mention the slight dryness I experienced during the first week of use. I later learned that it was a normal reaction and only temporary. And before you ask, yes, it did cause some staining on my clothes, so be sure to apply it gingerly when wearing your favorite outfit. Nonetheless, I was more than willing to overlook these downsides, given the results I saw on my skin.

In conclusion, this sulfur ointment was a surprising ace up my sleeve in the battle against acne. Its deep cleansing properties and gentle application made it a perfect addition to my skincare routine. The only warning I’d give is to be cautious with the drying effect and the staining, but overall — a solid 4.5 stars!

Thayers Rapid Acne Spot Treatment with Niacinamide and 10% Sulfur

I’ve been using Thayers’ Rapid Acne Spot Treatment for a while now, and I’m happy with the results. My skin is generally combination, and I suffer from the occasional breakout. The spot treatment uses a blend of natural ingredients and scientifically-backed actives, making it perfect for sensitive skin.

One feature that stood out to me is the 10% sulfur content. Sulfur is a natural mineral that’s known for its ability to combat skin nastiness and help prevent breakouts. In my experience, it really works. The formula is also packed with niacinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, which helps control oil production and soothes the skin.

However, like any product, there’s always a downside. One thing I didn’t like about the Thayers Rapid Acne Treatment is the smell. While it’s not overpowering, it’s definitely not pleasant. Despite the scent, the product does not leave a residue and absorbs well into my skin.

One thing I’d like to point out is that the product contains an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), which may increase skin sensitivity and leave you more prone to sunburn. So, make sure to wear sunscreen when using this product.

Overall, I recommend Thayers’ Rapid Acne Spot Treatment if you’re looking for a gentle but effective solution to blemishes. It’s easy to use and does the job, but be prepared for an unpleasant scent that’s hard to ignore.

Buyer’s Guide

Sulfur acne treatment is a popular choice for those suffering from acne-prone skin. In this buyer’s guide, we will discuss the key features to consider when selecting a sulfur acne treatment product. We will also provide some general advice on how to use these products effectively for clearer skin.

Types of Sulfur Acne Treatment Products

There are different forms of sulfur acne treatment products available in the market. The three main types are: creams, masks, and cleansers. Each of these products has its own benefits and applications. Choose the type that best suits your needs and skin type. For example, if your skin is very oily, a mask or cleanser might be more effective than a cream. On the other hand, if your skin is sensitive, a cream might be a better option.

Active Sulfur Content

The active sulfur content in a product determines its potency in treating acne. Generally, products with a higher percentage of sulfur are more effective. However, it is essential to use these products as directed to avoid irritation or dryness. Pay attention to the recommended usage instructions and use the product accordingly.


Check the ingredient list of the sulfur acne treatment product you are considering. Look for natural and organic ingredients that will not cause further irritation to your skin. It is also essential to avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your skin in the long run. Natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, aloe vera, and witch hazel can be beneficial for acne-prone skin.

Instructions for Use

Sulfur acne treatment products are generally easy to use. However, it is crucial to follow the product’s instructions carefully. Overuse or misuse of these products can cause severe irritation and dryness. Apply the product as directed, and avoid using it on broken or irritated skin. Also, remember to moisturize your skin after using sulfur acne treatment products, as they can be drying.


What is sulfur acne treatment?

Sulfur is a vital element that functions as an effective skincare product, combating acne and pimples with its remarkable qualities. It is commonly employed for treating mild to moderate acne, which can be encountered in the form of creams, masks, or specialized cleansers. Sulfur acne treatment is extensively known for its rapid reduction of inflammation and significant enhancement of overall skin quality.

The use of sulfur acne treatment is generally safe for the vast majority of skin types. However, it could occasionally trigger dryness or irritation. It is highly recommended to adhere strictly to the product’s instructions and trial applying it on a minor area of your skin prior to using it on your entire face. Regular application can serve as a potent tool in controlling and preventing acne breakouts, which is an irresistible appeal for numerous individuals seeking a refined and organic solution for the treatment of acne.

What are the benefits of using sulfur acne treatment?

The advantages of employing sulfur acne treatment include the efficient removal of dead skin cells, the regulation of oiliness, and a substantial reduction in inflammation. Sulfur’s ability to confront bacteria and unclog congested pores renders it an effective agent in the fight against acne without over-drying the skin. Furthermore, sulfur is non-comedogenic, implying that it doesn’t clog pores, thereby enabling its use by individuals with sensitive skin or those preferring milder acne treatments. Consequently, sulfur acne treatment emerges as a gentle yet potent solution for managing acne.

Sulfur has a longstanding history of being an effective remedy for tackling skin-related concerns, thanks to its remarkable penetration capabilities and power to dissolve impurities. As such, it is a popular choice for individuals desiring a clearer, healthier complexion without the necessity for abrasive chemicals or undesirable side effects.

How often should I use sulfur acne treatment?

The frequency at which sulfur acne treatment is used is contingent on the severity of one’s acne, individual skin type, and the skin’s reaction to the product. In general, it is advised to utilize sulfur acne treatment once or twice daily, ideally in the evening, as excessive dryness could ensue upon exposure to sunlight. However, it is prudent to follow the product directions or consult a dermatologist to ascertain the most suitable usage frequency relative to your distinct skin condition.

In the event of unbearable dryness, redness, or irritation, it may be necessary to reduce the frequency of application or discontinue usage altogether. A consistent skincare regimen, combined with tenderness toward the skin, is crucial in avoiding further damage or harm. Remember, it is vital to safeguard your skin from the sun’s harmful rays by moisturizing and using sun protection, as sulfur acne treatment may increase your skin’s sensitivity to UVA and UVB rays.

Can I use sulfur acne treatment when pregnant?

Although sulfur acne treatment is generally regarded as safe for most individuals, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before using any skincare products, particularly during pregnancy or lactation. Some studies suggest that exposure to high concentrations of sulfur vapors may pose respiratory risks for pregnant women; however, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the safety of applying sulfur directly to the skin during pregnancy.

If your acne is severe or causing discomfort, it is imperative to discuss treatment options with a doctor or dermatologist. They are capable of recommending alternative therapies or treatments that are suitable and safe for pregnant women, ensuring that both yours and your unborn child’s health remain uncompromised. Remember, taking necessary precautions is always preferable when using skincare products during pregnancy.

What are the side effects of using sulfur acne treatment?

Common side effects of sulfur acne treatment may include dryness, irritation, and reddening of the skin, with occasional instances of peeling and in severe cases, hives or other allergic reactions. These side effects are generally transient and mild, but it is essential to monitor your skin for any adverse responses following use of the product.

If you experience any severe or persistent side effects, discontinue use and seek medical help. Prior to using the product, it is highly recommended to test it on a small area of your skin and allow 24 to 48 hours to ensure there are no adverse reactions before applying it to your face. For individuals with sensitive skin, it is recommended to use sulfur acne treatment in conjunction with a moisturizer or hydrating serum to minimize potential irritation.

What other ingredients should I avoid when using sulfur acne treatment?

When using sulfur acne treatment, it is crucial to steer clear of other harsh or excessive ingredients that could potentially irritate or damage your skin, such as alcohol, fragrances, or retinoids. It is optimal to utilize gentle, hydrating products that can soothe and protect your skin, like moisturizers or hydrating serums.

Moreover, maintaining a consistent skincare routine, encompassing cleansing, toning, and moisturizing your skin, is paramount in preserving the skin’s natural equilibrium and minimizing the risks of irritation or dryness. Remember, an effective skincare regimen involves employing products that are suitable for your skin type and cater to your distinctive concerns, without causing further harm or discomfort.

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